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4 Steps To Sandal-Ready Feet & Nails

With jandal- / sandal-season around the corner – there’s no time like the present to get nails and feet back into shape! Follow these steps to sandal-ready feet and nails…1. Soak & Exfoliate FeetAfter Winter, the skin on your feet can do with a good refresh. Begin by soaking your feet in lukewarm water in […]

4 Reasons To “Glow Up” With Biotulin faceLIFT Ampoules

Glowing skin doesn’t happen overnight…but realistically it can happen over a month with the help of the naturally effective, vegan Biotulin faceLIFT 4-Week Ampoule Facial Kit – read on to find out how and why… Before You Begin Your Biotulin faceLIFT…Gently Cleanse & ExfoliateWhile the concentrated Biotulin faceLIFT Ampoules can improve skin on their own, […]

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