Drinking or eating Matcha tea is one of the best and easiest ways to boost your antioxidants to fight ageing and diseases, all while giving you a sustained energy boost – here are some delicious Summer Matcha recipes to try...
Why Consume Matcha Tea?
Matcha tea has been proven to have the highest antioxidant rating of all superfoods. According to The ORAC test (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity), which measures the antioxidant levels in foods, matcha green tea measures 1384 units per gram. For context, that’s:
- 13x the antioxidants of pomegranates,
- 15x the antioxidants of blueberries, and
- 125x that of spinach.
Furthermore, Matcha is very high in catechin antioxidants. Its most powerful catechin is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), shown to reduce inflammation, fight free radicals, and prevent a whole range of chronic diseases. Learn all about the natural, proven health benefits of drinking matcha here >
Summer Recipes With Matcha
Good to know:
Matcha has a mild, earthy flavour. If you use too much or aren't used to the taste of matcha, it may seem bitter, therefore Matcha "beginners" may like to reduce the Matcha a little in the following.
1. Iced Matcha Latte
This may have been obvious but in case you've only been enjoying your Matcha as a comforting, warm cuppa – try icing it for a refreshing and rejuvenating Summer beverage!
The trick to a delicious iced Matcha latte is using the highest quality matcha powder (like KOSHO Byuti Organic Matcha Tea) A good rule of thumb to recognising high quality Matcha is: the greener the Matcha powder, the better quality it is – stay away from brownish, olive-coloured Matcha powder.
Ingredients & Method:
- 1 cup ice
- 2 tsp Matcha powder
- approx. 350ml (plant-based) milk of your choice
- 2 tsp honey or natural sweetener
2. Banana Matcha Smoothie
The mild, natural sweetness of banana perfectly balances the smooth earthiness of Matcha in this smoothie.
As Matcha has an appropriate amount of caffeine to keep you mentally alert and is absorbed by the body more effectively to give you 4-6 hours of energy instead of the 1-3 you get from coffee, it makes the perfect breakfast smoothie.
If you need that 3pm boost, you can even drink Matcha without it interfering with your sleep.
In addition to high levels of Vitamin C which can help fend off colds & flu, Matcha also contains, Vitamin A, F and P.
Ingredients & Method:
- 1 tsp Matcha powder
- 1 cup frozen, sliced bananas
- 2 tsp flax seed
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 (packed) cup fresh spinach
- 3/4 cup almond or other (plant-based) milk
Blend all ingredients in a mixer until smooth and enjoy!
3. Matcha Cheesecake
The Japanese aren't only famous for their rare and nutritious Matcha tea, but also their lighter than air, fluffiest of fluffy cheesecakes.
If you are feeling a bit more ambitious you may want to try this mouthwatering Matcha cheesecake with blueberry swirl recipe (please save us a piece if you do!)...
A study found that drinking Matcha tea can increase thermogenesis (the body’s own rate of burning calories) from a normal 8%-10% of daily energy expenditure, to between 35% and 43% of daily energy expenditure.
So while all things should be enjoyed in moderation – if you drink a cup of Matcha with this cake, we reckon it pretty much cancels out any calories you may have consumed – so you really can have your cake and eat it too! 🙂
Ingredients & Method:
Please click here.
Ready To Start Enjoying Matcha Daily?
Learn How To Prepare The Perfect Matcha
Learn About Matcha's Proven Health Benefits
Discover KOSHO Matcha Effective Cosmetics
The KOSHO Matcha Effective Cosmetics are vegan, made in Switzerland and based on a unique active ingredient extracted from the finest, Japanese, organic matcha green tea. Learn more about the naturally active skin benefits & anti-ageing properties of KOSHO's unique Matcha Effective extract here.
Medical Disclaimer: While we have delved into the research available on the health benefits of matcha, this is for informative purposes only and shouldn’t be taken as medical advice. Those who have any health-related queries should reach out to a medical professional.