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Spirularin® NF Nailfold Cream: Harnessing Microalgae Extract & Zinc Oxide For Ingrown Nail Relief – Naturally!

Ingrown nails are a common and painful condition that can disrupt daily activities and overall well-being. While traditional treatments vary from home remedies to surgical interventions, Spirularin® NF Nailfold Cream offers a more innovative and non-invasive solution. This cream leverages the powerful antibacterial and cell regenerative properties of Spiralin microalgae extract alongside the anti-inflammatory benefits […]

Aesthetikonzept – Natural Antifungal Action of Chitinases in Spiralin Extract

Unlocking Nature’s Antifungal Power: The Key Role of Chitinases in Spiralin Extract

Fungal nail infections can be stubborn and challenging to treat. However, thanks to special enzymes in the unique Spiralin® microalgae extract, naturally effective regeneration of fungal finger or toe nails is possible – find out how below…Understanding Fungal Nail InfectionsFungal nail infections, also known as Onychomycosis, are caused by various fungi that invade the nails, […]

Aesthetikonzept – Spiralin Microalgae Extract

What Makes Spiralin® Microalgae Extract Unique?

March 22nd marks World Water Day and as the microalgae from which our unique Spiralin® extract is made grow in water, we considered it time to revisit what makes Spiralin® microalgae extract unique and what health concerns it can help with – naturally!Natural, Pro-Active Antiviral Protection – Thanks To Special Types Of Sugar MoleculesAfter many […]

Spirularin Australia & New Zealand

Spirulina Not As You Know It – Introducing The Spirularin Range To Australia & New Zealand

Based on the unique Spiralin® microalgae extract – with naturally effective, proven antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, as well as cell-protective and -regenerative properties – Aesthetikonzept is the proud, exclusive importer and distributor of the innovative Spirularin® range to Australia and New Zealand. Providing naturally effective solutions for fungal nails, cold sores, warts, skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis etc.) […]

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