Spirularin® Range

Spirularin® Range Testimonials

Lesson 3 Chapter 1

Clients are absolutely delighted

"Clients are absolutely delighted with the results they are getting with Spirularin products. They are spreading the word on their effectiveness in the treatment of recalcitrant warts and fungal infections. 
Our podiatrists are delighted that they have treatment options made from natural, effective ingredients with less invasive side effects. Spirularin products are quality products, with a natural base, that can be relied upon to deliver"

Julie Simon

My Family Podiatrist

South Australia

March 2018

First line treatment for recalcitrant warts

We have some fantastic results with Spirularin VS on recalcitrant warts and it is now our first line treatment."

Peter Lumb

Gladesville Healthcare


The only natural moisturiser I trust

We have been using the Spirularin range now years, it forms the backbone of our therapeutic moisturizer offerings. The gel is the only natural moisturiser with antimicrobial properties I trust for my patients."

Masterton, NZ

The secret is being diligent with application

"We have been using the Spirularin range for close to a year now. The results with fungal nails and verrucae pedis have been amazing, with infections starting to clear within 4 weeks.
The products for nail and verrucae are so easy to apply, just rub into the skin or nail, that’s it, no fuss. The secret is being diligent with application."

Lynley Boyce

Boyce Podiatry

Hawke's Bay, NZ

August 2017

Most helpful in the treatment of Onychomycoses

"I have been using Spirularin products in my clinic for over a year now and have found them to be a most helpful inclusion in the treatment of Onychomycoses...
I have seen significant improvements in the texture and colour of nails when using the nail serum."

Julie Verma

Westleigh Podiatry

NSW - Australia

January 2018

No cold sores for 4 months!!!

Since I have been using the cream, I no longer get cold sores! Before that I was getting cold sores almost monthly! 

I apply a thin layer of the cream to my lips regularly - mornings & evenings. Even though I forgot to use it a couple of times, it still did the job!

If you do feel the tingle or a blister coming up, just put some cream on it, and the next day it's gone again.

The cream is easy to apply and absorbs quickly. The smell is neutral & pleasant.”

Alessa J.

Brisbane, AU

Definitely recommend

I've suffered from cold sores since I was little, and tried many other creams, plasters & therapies...even with daily application, the tube lasted almost 4 months. I can't stop viral outbreaks, but the time between outbreaks is definitely longer, and the severity less. Definitely recommend. 

Denise R.

Adelaide, AU

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