With jandal- and sandal-season just around the corner and fungal nails taking on average 6-10 months to fully grow out, there is no time like the present to get started! Check out our tips of how to ensure fastest and successful regeneration of fungal finger or toe nails below...
In a Nutshell:
Key To Successful Fungal Nail Regeneration
There are two key points to note for fastest, successful results with fungal nail regeneration:
- Eliminating as many sources of reinfection as possible
- Restoring the nails' & skin's natural protection barrier while the fungus is being killed
With nail laser, oral fungicides, or conventional/pharmaceutical topical fungal nail treatments, no attention is paid to restoring the nails' natural protection barrier, or the skin surrounding damaged or fungal infected nails. This often results in a never-ending cycle of reinfection. To discover how Spirularin NS Nail Serum works differently – and naturally – also check out this post.
1. Protect The Family/Flatmates
Remember, fungal nails are contagious and the microscopic spores of fungi are all around us and can survive in carpets for literally years. So especially if you are treating fungal toe nails and share your home (carpets, rugs, shower) or bed (sheets, bedding) with anybody else, it is a good idea to get them using a proactive protection such as Spirularin Skin Gel on their feet and hands too.
Spirularin Skin Gel contains the unique Spiralin microalgae extract with naturally active, clinically proven antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, as well as cell-regenerative properties. Apart from intense skin-hydration, it provides active protection against a broad range of microbes.
2. Machine Wash With 60°C
As mentioned, fungal spores are very stubborn, so consider everything which comes in contact with your fungal finger or toenails (i.e. gloves, socks, bedding, towels, bath mats etc.). To kill the spores – which may still be hiding in these materials, contributing to a reinfection of your skin or nails – it helps to machine wash these items with 60 Degrees Celsius, a temperature which kills most microbes (e.g. bacteria, fungus).
3. Boost Immunity
Trauma can be a common cause for fungal nail infections (e.g. something fell of your toe, you squashed a finger nail, or wear shoes or socks which are too tight). However, the fact that one person contracts a fungal infection, while the next person doesn't, is usually due to a weakened immune system. Therefore, any holistic approach to regenerating fungal nails successfully, should also include boosting immunity e.g. through a balanced diet, getting enough sunshine/vitamin D, and regular, gentle exercise, and maybe starting a good probiotic.
For a naturally active and proven immunity and antioxidant boost, try adding a cup/bowl of KOSHO Byuti Organic Matcha Tea to your daily morning routine. Apart from highest levels of antioxidants and essential vitamins, Matcha also provides a calm, sustained energy boost throughout the day (no more coffee-jitters!)
4. Protect Holistically
If you have fungal toe nails, shoes are a common cause for reinfection. This is because you are continually going back into them with your fungal nails, and the warm, moist climate provides a perfect breeding ground for the fungi to develop. Now most people won't (and shouldn't have to!) throw away their shoes just because they have a fungal infection...
Therefore, Spirularin solutions offer a more holistic approach: and Spirularin NS Nail Serum should be combined with the Spirularin Skin Gel. Reapply the skin gel throughout the day to keep hands and/or feet protected against (re-)infections and ensure fastest results.
Question: Do I have to disinfect my shoes?
Answer: Not with Spirularin. While it is a good idea to wash or replace shoes if possible, if you are using Spirularin Skin Gel in combination with Spirularin NS Nail Serum as recommended, the entire foot is protected against reinfection, even if you pop back into shoes or walk across old carpets.
Not only does the nail serum itself help restore the nails' natural protection barrier, but the skin gel further takes care of any fungal, yeast or bacterial infections on the skin of hands or feet.
5. See A Professional
Especially if you suffer from a fungal toe nail infection, we recommend a visit to the Podiatrist (foot/lower limb doctor). While fungal nail regeneration with Spirularin NS Nail Serum at home works, it is still a good idea to visit a healthcare professional who can not only best assess the situation, but also test, that it is in fact a fungal infection you are dealing with, not another kind of nail condition.
Nature’s Antifungal Power: The Role of Chitinases in Spiralin Extract
Fungal Nail Treatments & Why Spirularin Nail Serum Is Better – Naturally!
About Spiralin Microalgae Extract:
The patented Spiralin microalgae extract upon which Spirularin products are based provides active protection for skin and nails against bacteria, fungi and virus, while accelerating cell-renewal for faster healing, and restoration of skin & nails' natural protection barrier.
Products For Naturally Effective Fungal Nail Regeneration
For natural care & regeneration of fungal finger or toe nails use Spirularin NS Nail Serum.
Save with our Spirularin Fungal Nail Regeneration Starter Pack which includes 2x nail serum + a FREE Spirularin Skin Gel (40ml).
Sort proactive antimicrobial protection for the family with a tube of Spirularin Skin Gel – also ideal for dry skin or skin conditions (eczema, hyperkeratosis, psoriasis etc.) on the body.
For severely dry, calloused or even cracked skin on the feet/heels try Spirularin Cracked Heel Cream with Spiralin & 20% urea.