To understand how to remove warts successfully, we must first understand what causes them. Here we further explore the most common wart removal methods such as freezing, acids and home remedies, and discover why Spirularin VS Wart Cream provides an innovative and more effective approach to wart removal...
1. Topical, Acid-Based Treatments (Salicylic)
This is the basis of most “over-the-counter” products you'll get at the chemist. The concept of this method is to peel away the layers of the skin infected by the virus. The main issue with this however is that it also causes damage to the healthy skin tissue – this in turn again makes it easier for the virus to spread, which often results in warts coming back just as quickly as they've disappeared...
- Not ideal for sensitive areas as the acid can sting
- Damages the healthy tissue which means risk of reinfection
- Has to be applied very carefully so as to limit "collateral damage" to the healthy skin...
- Not ideal for children (who may lick hands, rub eyes etc.)
Spirularin VS Wart Cream can safely be applied anywhere and by anyone - including diabetics & children (over the age of 3). Furthermore, Spirularin VS Wart Cream actually should be massaged into the healthy tissue as well, as it works by disrupting the virus' lifecycle and protecting the healthy cells against the wart-causing Human Papilloma Virus.
2. Freezing aka Cryotherapy
This method usually requires a healthcare professional who uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the upper layer of the HPV-infected skin. Because warts can sit deep and this method only targets the upper layer, it can already take 3-4 treatments on thin skin, for warts that don't sit too deeply. For warts that sit deeply, or on thickened skin, this can take many more treatments. While it is described to be more uncomfortable than painful, it obviously still isn't ideal anyone sensitive to pain.
- Inconvenient as it usually has to be done by a professional = arranging and paying for appointments
- Also not a "quick" fix due to required, repeated treatments
- Also not ideal for children or people with weakened immune systems, as damage to healthy tissue is again inevitable, which in turn increases risk of reinfection
Spirularin VS Wart Cream is painless, quick, easy & economical to apply, in the comfort and privacy of your own home: just massage a thin layer of the cream into the wart and approx. 2-3 cm of the surrounding healthy skin, 2x daily - morning & night. Do not cover with plasters or bandaids. Diligent application is key!
3. Home Remedies (e.g. Vinegar & Duct Tape)
Most people will try the typical "home remedies" such as applying apple cider vinegar (ACV) to the wart, or covering it with duct tape first as this is considered cheap, painless and can be done at home. Unfortunately both these home remedies aren't proven to work reliably. So while some people may have success, the main issue is that warts can sit pretty deep (which is often what makes them painful).
Therefore you need a product which will really penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, and target a broad range of viruses and bacteria. Which neither vinegar nor duct tape can do.
- Duct tape is hardly applicable to warts in smaller/trickier places, or where everyone can see...
- Similarly, you'll hardly want to be applying vinegar to delicate areas, or on your face
- While they are pain free solutions which may work, they are going to take the most time & patience out of any of the methods, and be all the more frustrating if you don't have success
Not only is the antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial & cell-regenerative action of the key active ingredient in Spirularin VS Wart Cream clinically proven, but while it will also take some time to grow out the warts, two things accelerate the process:
1. willow bark extract which is a milder, more tolerated form of salicylic acid to gently exfoliate skin to strip down the HPV-infected layers faster 2. the cell-regenerative properties of the Spiralin active ingredient help accelerate cell-renewal which also "pushes" the wart out quicker
4. Laser Or "Microwave" Technology
Traditional laser treatment of warts uses laser to burn and destroy the wart tissue. There are also new technologies on the market, however all warn about painful treatment and needing more than one session for successful results for deeper rooted warts. Furthermore, laser can still leave scarring.
Obviously being a simple cream, Spirularin VS Wart Cream is not only pain free, but because it works by protecting the healthy skin cells until the infected tissue is "grown out", there are no open wounds or scarring left behind. Ingredients such as zinc and willow bark acid also help restore balance to skin prone to developing warts, to further reduce risk of reinfection longterm.
5. Surgical Removal
Usually the last resort when all other methods failed, healthcare professionals such as a doctor or podiatrist will cut out the wart. The obvious downside of this is that again: professionals can't help but damage healthy tissue as well, especially if the wart is deeply rooted, and an open wound poses the greatest risk of infection or secondary infections. Therefore this generally isn't an option for people with low- or weakened immune-systems, or diabetics with wound-healing issues.
- Generally not suitable at all for people with low or weak immune systems such as children, diabetics, elderly people
- While the wart itself is removed quickly, time for the open wound to heal must be taken into consideration (could be especially annoying on a plantar wart on the foot, where even walking could be painful)
- Greatest risk of (re-)infection of an open wound - be it from more viral cells, or a secondary bacterial infection
Q: Safe To Use "Down There"?
Genital warts are not uncommon and all the trickier to take care of due to their delicate location.
While it pays to have them checked out and tested by a healthcare professional, Spirularin VS Wart Cream can safely be applied anywhere on the body.
How Does It Work? Based On The Unique Microalgae Extract, Spiralin
The patented Spiralin microalgae extract ingredient provides naturally active, clinically proven protection for against bacteria, fungi and virus, while also accelerating cell-renewal for nails and skin to regenerate more quickly.